Zbigniew Kozak Bio

Zbigniew Kozak was born in the capital of Poland, Warsaw in 1981. Was study at German Sport University in Cologne and has a Master degree in Physiotherapy. Lived in New York, Dubai and Barcelona. Working in Brazil as a luxury real estate agent did the first module of MBA in Real Estate Projects Management and Development by University of the Sao Paulo City. Traveler and polyglot, speaks 5 languages. Since 2009 is living abroad. Seven years spent in Brazil and since 2016 is visiting the Amazonian communities.

Jurua River, Amazonas state, Brazil 2018

The Story

Since an early age fascinated by indigenous people way of living, knowing it only from the books and movies now is living his dream by studying their culture, participating in traditional ceremonies and supporting sustainable development. Living in metropolises, Zbigniew has realized many "imperfections" in the occidental way of thinking being a source of global challenges we all are facing, that actually a traditional, indigenous like approach could solve. 

Ibiza, Spain 2014, Indigenous culture conference

His proposal is, instead of exploring natural resources and polluting the Earth, to merge the traditional way of living with achievements of western science and using the modern technology make possible harmonious coexistence with environment helping our specie not only to survive but to flourish and unfold fully its creative potencial.

Amazon Guard is the platform that will make possible this dream to come true by creating a community of like minded people supporting socio-environmental projects in benefit to all the humanity.

Amapá state, Brazil 2021

Zbigniew journeys to the Amazon communities 2016-2021 




Corfu, Greece 2019

Amazon River Communities & Biodiversity Galleries:

OUR LOCATION - Manaus in the Heart of the Amazon