Amazon Guard’s Mission, Vision & Approach



Amazon Guard's mission is to raise the quality of living of the traditional Amazon communities by ​helping them to get access to basic health and education, renewable energy, by improving their production and upgrading the value chain.

Through sustainable solutions and technology we support  people that conserve and make sustainable use of the Amazon ecosystem, preserving effectively this habitat of many still undiscovered species.


Final goal of the Amazon Guard's socio-environmental initiatives is to develop ground for the Circular City model  - unique concept, where traditional and simple living close to nature, goes together with high specialization and efficiency, achieved with support of the newest technology. This will be the World's first 100% sustainable and self-sufficient city to be developed in Brazil. When methodology will be approved, then will be transferred to the other parts of the world, creating a Network of Circular Cities

By integrating nature and technology, traditional knowledge and modern science, Circular City is the solution to the 21st century global challenges. This city is designed to assist human evolution and conserve Earth's biodiversity. Open source and non profit project.



Amazon Guard is collaborating with representatives of the local communities and government entities to identify the biggest challenges that communities are facing. Next step is to propose effective solutions and to help to implement them.

Region of our focus has the most preserved native rainforest and at the same time the lowest Human Development Index ( HDI )* in the world. Proposed initiatives are in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by UN (SDGs)** aiming sustainable development of local communities and effective preservation of the biodiversity. 

Follow Amazon Guard's agenda and implementation timeline: LINK


 *  Human Development Index ( HDI ): Calculation of the index combines four major indicators: life expectancy  for health, expected years of schooling, mean of years of schooling for education  and Gross National Income per capita  for standard of living. 

 ** Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The United Nations came up with 17 societal global goals for a better world by 2030, called the Sustainable Development Goals. These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change. If completed, would mean a better world in essentially every aspect of life.

OUR LOCATION - Manaus in the Heart of the Amazon