Amazon Guard unites people passionate about protecting life on Earth. Our non-profit initiatives support traditional communities of Amazon Rainforest, so it can continue regulate the world's oxygen, carbon and water cycles and stabilize the climate on our planet for generations to come.

Amazon Rainforest is the richest in biodiversity place on Earth, where in the DNA of all the species is encoded millions of years of evolution. To stabilize the global climate means to conserve and restore Amazon and the best protectors and experts of the forest are indigenous people, who live there for millenniums. We are the guardians of the keepers of the Greatest Treasure in the known Universe.


Unfortunately the time that we are currently living will be know in history as the Sixth Mass Extinction, when most species have died out. Last mass extinction happened 65 million years ago, when a giant asteroid hit Mexico, ending the age of dinosaurs, when some three-quarters of the plant and animal species on Earth went extinct. But this time it is happening now and because of our actions.


Exponentially growing human population, exploration of finite natural resources, occupation and destruction of natural habitats - all together is causing accelerated climate change and is making millions of populations disappear forever. ¨Humans will cause so many mammal species to go extinct in the next 50 years that the planet's evolutionary diversity won't recover for 3 to 5 million years.¨ [The World Economic Forum]


The survival of our civilization is threatened! We are a part of Nature - sophisticated, complex system sustaining life and we depend on Earth - this is our home and we must protect it. Supporting communities in the Amazon is the most effective way to stabilize global climate.


Implementing sustainable solutions is the only way for us to continue to safely evolve as a species and hopefully to be able in the future to explore the other planets and moons bringing life there. But first we must learn how to live here on this beautiful planet, by merging traditional knowledge and scientific approach, preserving biodiversity and improving livelihoods. In this information age like never before we can connect and collaborate to make the Earth a better place for us and for generations to come.



For millenniums traditional communities live in the forest planting and harvesting it and they are the best protectors of this habitat. Sadly their living conditions are vulnerable and they don't keep up with the progress of the technology. It puts in danger their lives and the Amazon with all its richness.


Raising the local people's quality of living has a positive environmental impact and indirectly affects the rest of the world including yourself. If you also are enthusiastic about to preserve this magical place and save the planet, then join us in the effort to support the Amazon communities!


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OUR LOCATION - Manaus in the Heart of the Amazon